About Me


My Awakening and the Maju Journey


          This all started back in 1987 (consciously) even though it has been going on the whole time I have been in this dimension since birth.  I remember when I was about 8 (around the time the movie Carrie came on tv), and was fascinated by the telekinesis part of the movie. I tried with all my heart to move a pencil but to no avail, the important part is I knew within me that it was possible. That is the voice we often ignore. Through the years I have paid attention more and more to that voice and it is what has led me to where I am now.  Do I always listen? No, but then again I am growing and learning and there are aspects of me that still don’t want to listen but they are coming along.

So back to 1987, my brother and I heard about a worldwide meditation for peace. We were living in Regina and there was an gathering at a ritzy hotel (for Regina it was) where we would do the meditation. So off we went and we had to be there for 6 am as the times were different all over the world. Funny how that is when really we were all gathered at the same moment around the world, time really had nothing to do with it. It was a very beautiful experience and I had really no expectations as to what would happen. They were playing a harp through out the whole experience and the energy in the room was palpable, the feeling was quite dreamy like. I find it quite amazing now when I look back and think of all those souls who gathered that day to meditate for peace. It may have not seemed like much back then but it started a wave and movement of energy/intent/desire that created a snowball which is still rolling to this day. I have watched the world and people change rapidly in 26 years. I know it appears to be the same in many ways but the change I speak of is subtle yet very powerful. I have seen attitudes and behaviors and beliefs change that in the generations before had no real movement. What the snowball is doing is growing in size. There are more people on this planet awakening than there ever has before (in our recorded history). Before I continue, I would like to say to all those souls that have walked before me, my ancestors and elders, thank you for all that you have done, for it allowed me to do what I am doing as I walk my path in this great Mystery, Ah Heh Huh (a blessing).

Where was I… yes the meditation, after this I began having awake experiences (as I call them). I would have spontaneous visions which when you have them it feels as though you are there and here at the same time. One day I was lying on the couch and before me appeared a man in white robes standing on a sand dune looking towards me. Even with my eyes open he was there and then as I got more present so to speak he disappeared.  Another time I was lying on my bed on my belly looking at my radiator screen and just basically vegging out. Next thing I know I am diving into an ocean I could feel the water as I dove, I was a dolphin. In and out of the waters I swam and dove. Then my Darrell mind kicked in and brought me right out of the experience.  What I mean by this is that while I was in the dolphin experience I was one with it and then my thoughts cut in that I was also on my bed. Of course the bed idea won and what was really interesting, coming out of the connection I literally felt me fall back into my body. I felt myself bounce when I landed even though my bed did not move physically. Throughout the next year I was to have many of these experiences. Never planned either or should I say I did not pursue them purposely. I also began taking an interest in crystals…. I loved them and felt connected to them. They were and are so magical to me. This led to further study and investigation. If you knew Regina (Saskatchewan, Canada) you would know that it is a small prairie city, and the amazing thing is there was a metaphysical store just behind our apartment building called the Aware House Books (it was set up in this funky old2 story house). How auspiciously convenient!  There was my crystal treasure trove.

From the time as a child even to this present moment, I am pretty much a lucid dreamer. I can still remember dreams from way back.  I also have seen what I call old dreams manifest (as I had dreamt them) in my future. This is what I personally consider Déjà-vu is. For me I would remember the dream when the déjà-vu experience was happening. It was like an instant overlay happening right before my eyes.

I would like to mention before I go further, this story will wander as I did through life. What I see now is that my wanderings had purpose even though at the time it did not make sense to me or those around me.  Just as telling this story will have its purpose. I didn’t really have a plan in mind for my life or goals for that matter. What I see now is that I did have goals and plans they just weren’t in my conscious mind. I might add that if I had any idea of how I would go about my journey at that time, I would have flat out said no. My course has not been easy but then again no ones course (journey of self discovery) in this reality is easy. I am very grateful for my journey and that means all of the journey not just parts. It all has brought me to who I am now and that is what it is all about, in my view.  All that is truly our own is what is within no matter what you have in your life. My life has become more and more about that conscious/awake discovery and I have found this leads to self love and unconditional love. We are all on this journey in one way or another and no path is better or worse. From my own experiences and from observing the world, we are all learning the same things each in our own unique way.  There is no ahead or behind everyone is where they are and it is just that simple. I realized you can’t demand that the outside world change as that would be simple dictatorship. If I truly wanted to see change in my world I had to change myself and to do that I had to get to know myself. If you want peace in this world then you first have to allow peace within yourself.  So I had to wander and experience many different things and from that grew a much clearer and expanded understanding of that which I call my past. I can see how experiences were set up in order for me to meet someone, or learn a particular lesson which would lead me in a direction suited to why I was here. I was learning to get out of my own way and allow the inner guidance through, which meant that my Darrell mind/protector/ego had to learn to step aside.  This is an on going process as life is and from my experiences it is really life, life and more life. I would like to say that my ego is not my enemy rather it is that aspect of me that was needed to get me through this reality and to the place I am now. What I used to see as bad and good has changed as well. Looking with my present understanding what I thought was bad about me actually was a necessary aspect to my growth and learning. I witnessed in my life where one might say confidence would have been good in that situation instead of insecurity. I look back and see how actually that insecurity had kept me on the path I had intended. Had I been confident in that moment I may have chosen differently and been doing something completely of track for me. I have judged myself for lack of confidence and how I would stress about it. It wasn’t until I looked at my past with new eyes and saw that it was necessary in that moment to be insecure for it stopped me from following a direction that really was not up my alley.

This journey has been all about expanding my awareness and the more I got that the more I pursued it consciously. What I had to get over was that it was not going to be in the manner of what would be considered the norm nor how I wanted it to be. To know ones self means that anything that no longer serves your growth must be let go of in order to see the truth standing. We all know what it is like to come to the truth in oneself.

So now I will go back to the crystal trove time.  During this time my intuitive abilities began to pick, actually it was like blooming. Our natural abilities are always there it is whether we pay attention to them and use them which them makes the blooming more or less. It is just like a muscle you have to work it to build up strength. At this time is when I began having flashes of insight in regards to people and crystals that would suit them. I carried crystals with me and I wore them on necklaces. People began to approach me about crystals and it was interesting how information about their properties would come out of my mouth. I would check crystal books and find similar explanations. I found I was tapping into the vast sea of knowledge that we all have access too. We were told that you had to be taught to know anything. I was finding that knowledge would just come out of me when required. Another natural ability. When you are conditioned to believe that you can only achieve something in a certain manner then you limit your natural abilities. I have found in my journey that our beliefs are potent. They can shut the doors tight on understanding or they can blow the doors open and allow unlimited possibilities to be experienced. I was in the process of blowing open my doors. What I see now in regards to the crystals and people connections, it was preparing me for what was to come in the area of healing work and majus.

I would like to mention here that I never intended to pursue this route in my life. Even when I came into my healing work and the creation of Majus, I had no intention or thoughts of doing either of these. What I will say though is, their appearance in my life felt right at home within me.  I can see that I was guided into those avenues (this is where I became aware of my higher guidance within me). I came from the times of go to college get a good job save money and retire reality. Not that that was wrong there was just heavy influence in that regard in those days for everybody and there still is. So my conscious reality was focused on these issues and to create that, even though I wasn’t really interested in doing so. My real interest which was revealed through these experiences was the mystery of our world and who we are. Through my experiences I was awakening to a realm that was not spoken about or believed in openly. I must say awakening sounds lovely but it often felt like a blast and then deal with the after effects. Having your belief bubbles burst is challenging and exhilarating and then it is the integration where the work starts.  I was to have many throughout my process of getting to this now. Once the door is open you can try and shut it but you already know some of what is on the other side. As a guide once said knowledge is dangerous, for once you know you cannot forget. The dangerous part is not being ready for the knowledge. It can make you crazy knowing something yet not being able to integrate it or use it properly. I am more careful about asking and more patient in my need to know. I have found that when I need to know something it truly does come to me. Let me tell you if I knew then the knowledge that would be coming to me and how it would affect me and the processes I would go through to integrate it……Well lets just say today I can say I am very glad I did. I remember my friend and I telling a guide that we figured knowing everything would just make everything work better and life would be grand. His response was “If you knew your book of life you would run for the hills.” We just laughed and thought that was a crazy idea and why would we run. It would be good to know.  I agree full heartedly with him, had I known what was upon my path and what I would go through internally to achieve it, I would still be running. Fortunately I am not nor would I now. What I am is patient and discerning in what I feel I need to know and understand. I am not as eager to know everything, still eager just more sensible. I have learned that I do not in any way need to rush through this life, you may gather a lot but not really had the time to truly understand and experience it. Breath is my mantra, for life is ongoing and whether you do it here or in another reality life continues on for everyone.

Well I am going to post this now and I will continue with the story as it is not short by any means and through this telling you will get to know some of who I am.  For we really are much, much more than we realize, as is this reality we find ourselves in.  It really is about the journey and not the destination. Big love and hugs to everyone and hope you have enjoyed the tale I am spinning thus far.

Peace Darrell

5 comments on “About Me

  1. Pingback: Watering the Garden of Your New Life as Timelines Collapse Into Each Other!! | The Shift of Time and Energy!

  2. Pingback: Lisa Gawlas – Watering The Garden Of Your New Life As Timelines Collapse Into Each Other!! – 26 February 2015 | Lucas 2012 Infos

  3. As I was reading your exponential experiences I was hearing this… “I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.” We are blessed through the existence of each soul that passes through, along, beside and with us in this earthly experience… I am eternally grateful for the melding connection Darrell ❤

  4. When my third lady arrived on the field, she was different than anyone in the last two days. Instead of rolling around in this oozing energy coming out of the Orb of Life, she was at the furthest end of this stream, holding what reminded me of a sand bucket in her hand, scooping up buckets of this energy and tossing it over her shoulder (into her perceived future.) OGM, co-creative participation. It hit me like a lightning bolt, instead of being tossed around in this magnetic lay up of our future, lets participate in it. Why the hell didn’t I think of this sooner?? Of course, neither her nor I could see or even know what it all meant to her (us) it didn’t matter. Scoop and throw… I am going into meditation to do just that!! By divine planning, my next appointment didn’t show up, into the bath I jumped. I scooped and threw, scooped and threw… suddenly, in the center of where I was throwing the buckets of white energy with pink and blue dots in it, a spiral started to form from the bottom upwards, rotating around and around. I was so freakin excited. I have no clue what it means, but I just contracted with the greatest and I believe, the only Maju creator in this world, Darrell Leakey to create a new maju for me. (The original one he created was stolen from my sons house.) He had called me a couple of days ago to tell me that my maju was started, it is in the form of a spiral and needed time to integrate. That man is so freakin awesome!! I got out of the bath so excited. Again, have no flipping clue what it means to me, but who cares, my Maju will help reveal it when its done and gets here!! This came from a lovely lady whom I have had the pleasure to work with and get to know… It shows our connectedness and how we are able to help one another from our greater perspective and to then bring it into this reality we find ourselves in. Love the Great Mystery!

Let me know what you think